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A lot of fashion and a bit of interesting places
  • Macabre Style in Fashion

    24 marzo, 2021 por

    In works of art, the adjective macabre  means «having the quality of having a grim or ghastly atmosphere». The macabre works to emphasize the details and symbols of death. The term also refers to works particularly gruesome in nature. (Wilkipedia) The curiosity for the morbid has always been present in human culture,inspired by the Victorian English era, when life expectancy… Leer más

  • Dark Diva

    20 noviembre, 2019 por

    Sexy full outfit in black, by Composer Girl Fashion, includes shoes and jewelry from the same designer. Leggins and tank come for Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and fit mesh L, M, S and XS. The jewelry consists of a double silver infinity waist chain, leather and silver braist bracelet and necklace, a pair of fabulous ankle-tied… Leer más

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